When we understand the gospel and the exorbitant amount of love and grace displayed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we cannot help but be in awestruck wonder of God. It is the gospel message that draws us in, gives us strength, and joy, and peace as we go out and live our lives for His glory. This is worship. It is not so much of a specific action but more of a lifestyle.
One of the ways that we at CenterPoint Church encourage a lifestyle of worshipping God is through song. We sing songs that are joyful and powerful, songs that proclaim His word and remind of His love and grace, songs that highlight His strength and our need for Him. How you participate is up to you. Many sing along. Others just sit still and listen. We won't obligate you to engage until you desire to do so. But we hope the music we provide is a blessing and gives you opportunities to make Jesus the center point of your life.
One of the ways that we at CenterPoint Church encourage a lifestyle of worshipping God is through song. We sing songs that are joyful and powerful, songs that proclaim His word and remind of His love and grace, songs that highlight His strength and our need for Him. How you participate is up to you. Many sing along. Others just sit still and listen. We won't obligate you to engage until you desire to do so. But we hope the music we provide is a blessing and gives you opportunities to make Jesus the center point of your life.