CenterPoint Church recently announced plans for a second location in South Utah County. Although many details are yet to be determined, we wanted to provide some clarity into the upcoming process and give you an opportunity to get involved and/or ask additional questions.
Do you have an estimated timeline?
Ideally, we would be hosting Sunday gatherings by the end of 2024, but there are many factors that could push this date forward or backward. To launch successfully, we will need the right pastor and the right location. Securing these will largely determine our timeframe, but we are not in a rush.
We have been carefully watching the steady growth in both north and south county, as we have many CenterPoint families already living in these parts of the county. We have targeted South Utah County because we believe this area has the greatest need for an additional Christian Church; both now and in the future. There are some great churches already at work in South County, and our prayer is for CenterPoint to be another gospel presence.
Will it feel like CenterPoint Church?
Yes! It will be aligned with CenterPoint Church in its doctrine, teaching, CP Kids, worship services, and much of its programming. We recognize that every church location is unique in many ways, but our aim is for the worship and discipleship experience at the South County church to reflect that of the current location.
If you would like to be involved in this endeavor, or for any additional questions/concerns, please email us at [email protected] or click the connect card below.